We'd love to get your opinion!
We’ve created a family of vodkas that are truly innovative. They've been graciously vetted and approved by some of your favorite local mixologist and bartenders. Our friends and family have also given us the thumbs up but now we want to hear what you have to say!
Be You! This is the biggest request we are asking from you, while you join us and try some great tasting vodka. A vodka that will have the ability to carry the phrase and trademark, “The World’s First…..”
We’ll also be recording the tasting to capture your true reaction and share it with the world as social media commercials…Yes, that means more followers for your instagram! Be You-
Dress attire is up to you, so show your swag or your signature look, because we are going to share these videos to the world.
You need to be 21 and up (yes, we will be checking Ids) and willing to sign an NDA and waiver. (The NDA is so we can keep this vodka secret between us or until the launch date. Also it gives us your permission to use the videos for a commercial and other ads)
Please fill out the form now
You’ll receive an email with an NDA and waiver for you to review and send back to us signed
Once we receive the signed documents, we will send you a couple of dates and time slots to choose from
You’ll receive a text from us personally with the address to the undisclosed location prior to the date
We’ll see you soon!